
Three Sixty Ltd




2016 edition of JCT Design & Build (novation services)

Value & scheme:

£400,000. Change of use from mixed office/HMO use to 7 self-contained one-bedroom flats together with associated external alterations.



Lesley Wright House was designed and constructed in 2002 as an HMO (House of Multiple Occupation) but fell into disuse approximately 10-12 years later. This proposed conversion makes efficient use of a vacant building that has been left largely neglected to the detriment of the neighbouring area. The conversion will breathe new life into the site and will make use of existing local services, such as health care and general infrastructure. In addition, it will have a positive effect on the safety and security of the local area, as natural surveillance will be increased and opportunities for crime and disorder minimised.

The proposal of 7 supported self-contained one-bedroom, one-person flats has a specific social purpose, providing accommodation on a short-term basis for young tenants who may have challenging life issues.  They will be off-site supported during their short-term of approximately 6-9 months ‘bridging’ tenancy

Despite its relatively recent design and construction, the existing building’s appearance is slightly incongruent with the neighbouring properties.  Opportunities for improvement were limited given the fabric and construction budget, but this has been achieved with simple amendments, like taller, more elegant proportions of the windows. A modern zinc storm porch has been added to help articulate the elevations further.

Proposed planting will be integral to the site design and includes mitigation proposals. The planting and boundary rails of the site will provide defensible frontages and relief to the existing street scene.  External pathways are suitable for all levels of ability – incorporating level, non-slip materials with flat resting areas.

As with all Dash Architecture projects, the dedicated energy strategy maintains a ‘fabric first’ approach but always aims beyond the statutory minimum.  It also closely links and is coordinated with one of the main technical challenges of this scheme, which has been to ensure the constraint of the existing internal and external elemental fabric is capable of complying with the Approved Document E (resistance to the passage of sound), whilst still meeting ventilation and energy performance standards associated with ADB L1B. The development falls into a high noise exposure category, and therefore, the design has been developed using the findings of a Level 2 TM59 assessment to ensure overheating is regulated.